Thursday 31 August 2017

Exam Results

So, I got my ballet exam results today!!! I haven't gotten my report card yet, but my teacher sent these comments from it. "Very Highly Commended = 80-84% 'A confident prensentation of the syllabus. Aim to sustain turn out in steps and pointe work. Lovely movement qualities in dance performance. Most enjoyable'."

I am very, very happy with this mark, as it's the same as I got last year, even though this year I was dancing on a painful ankle. I'm very thankful though, as at the start of all my exercises I was without pain, even though I was in pain again by the end of them. I would like to thank the people who said they would pray for me, as it certainly did help. I was thrilled, and so very grateful that I was able to do all my point exercises except my first, without any pain at all.

Now, it's on to concert work! I'm going to be away in Hanmer for the next ten days, but I'll start dancing again after that. I don't know what the concert is going to be this year, or what role I'll play, but I'll post once I know.

Here's a photo of me after my exam. The skirt was only worn for the dance on pointe at the end of the exam.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Ballet Exam Coming Up

So, I've got my Intermediate ballet exam happening tomorrow, and I'm really nervous. I hurt my ankle a few weeks ago, and I haven't been able to practice since then. I'm not worried about forgetting my work, but I am worried about my ankle hurting. My physio things it's safe for me to dance, so I'm going to be taking painkillers on the day. My dance teacher doesn't like the idea of me dancing, but I can be kinda stubborn... I don't really need to pass this exam, as I'm not going to be continuing next year, but I am hoping to do well. I won't know the results for a few weeks, but I'll post as soon as I get them.

Friday 25 August 2017


This is something I wrote a little while ago, and thought I'd share.

Falling in love isn't necessarily something that happens all of a sudden. Like, one minute you're not in love and the next you're head over heels for them. It could happen I guess, but I don't think it happens often. When I fell in love with my boyfriend it wasn't something that happened in an instant. I remember when I first realized that I loved him, but it wasn't when I fell in love with him. No matter how hard I try, I can't find a distinct moment when I could say: "That's when I fell in love with him." Love doesn't work like that, it's much more subtle. It kinda creeps up on you while you're not looking and all of a sudden you realize you're in love and you don't know how or when it happened.

Falling in love is so different from having a crush on someone. I used to like having crushes on people because there was that rush of adrenaline, people teasing you, it was fun! But love isn't like that. Love isn't fun, it's beautiful, mysterious, powerful, and ultimately scary.

When you fall in love, you find the things that were once so important to you, fading into the background. The awesome dreams you had, although you might still have them, don't hold the same excitement and importance that they used to. You find that the people who used to be the most special in your life, have stepped back, and someone else has taken their place. Your world suddenly becomes so much smaller, but at the same time so much bigger. You realize that what makes you the most happy now, is seeing the person you love happy. 

Love isn't something that can be explained. You have to feel it yourself to know what it feels like. And once you've felt love's soft fingers wrap themselves around your heart, you'll never want to live without them again.

Hello, and Welcome!


I thought I'd better introduce myself before I actually post anything.

My name is Rachel, I am 16 years old, I'm the oldest of 6 kids (once baby is born in November), I'm a Christian. What else... I'm a writer, I've done ballet for the past 10 years, but this is my last year, I used to do karate, and I'm a St John cadet.

I can't think of anything else, other than I can be completely crazy at times. You have been warned.

I'm going to do my best to update this semi-regularly, but I can't make any promises. My boyfriend will probably remind me though, so I might actually succeed at keeping this up to date.😉